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Picture of Michelle Prohaska

Michelle Prohaska

Author, Coach, and Speaker

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New Year’s Eve Activity

The first one cued everyone to write down something they wanted to leave behind from the past year whether it was an event, a feeling, a limiting belief, etc. We had a fire going in the fireplace. Once they were done writing this down, they were to crumple up their paper and put it in the fireplace to symbolize letting go/getting rid of this. On the second sheet everyone was to write down...

I LOVE traditions!

And I love gatherings with my friends and family!

Even if it has to be done virtually.

I like having a fun activity or game to do during these gatherings.

Two years ago, on New Year’s Eve I started a new “tradition” with our friends.

It was 2019 and we had NO IDEA what was about to hit us in 2020.

I printed out sheets of paper for everyone to fill out.

The first one cued everyone to write down something they wanted to leave behind from the past year whether it was an event, a feeling, a limiting belief, etc. We had a fire going in the fireplace. Once they were done writing this down, they were to crumple up their paper and put it in the fireplace to symbolize letting go/getting rid of this.

On the second sheet everyone was to write down their goals or vision for the coming year. When done, they were to fold it up and seal it in an envelope and write their name on the front. (From now on I’ll have everyone address the envelope to themselves.) I told them I would keep the envelopes for them until the next New Year’s Eve.

I kept them in the tub that I store all of our New Year’s Eve decorations, hats, and horns so that I would be able to find them the next year.

If you don’t have a New Year’s tub, you can put them in your Christmas décor tub.

After this we did our usual barefoot race around the house in the snow! We like to make things memorable. 😊

Then 2020 hit!

No one saw it coming.

The next New Year’s Eve gathering was done via zoom.

I sent out a Zoom invite to all the people that were at our house the previous year.

I then drove all around town delivering people’s envelopes to their houses.

That night we had many laugh’s as we all opened our envelopes and laughed at what several of us had written for our goals. Not that it was actually funny, but sometimes you just have to laugh.

Many of us had big goals of travel… uhhhh. That didn’t happen.

One friend planned to grow their business… Their TRAVEL business.

Some planned to lose weight… but rather packed on the pandemic pounds.

The unveiling of our goals was not meant to be a comedy show, and most years it wouldn’t be. But 2020…

This year, several of our friends plan to be out of town, but those of us that will still be here will gather yet again, play games, dance, laugh, smile, and of course toast in the new year.

AND we will fill out the sheets again.

This year I’m adding a sheet for what we’d like to celebrate about the past year. Many of us don’t celebrate our accomplishments enough.

And if you know me… you know I’m ALL ABOUT CELEBRATING!

I encourage you to start this tradition yourself.

Whether you will be spending New Year’s Eve by yourself or with a group of people.

I can be fun and very therapeutic.

I’ve made it easy for you!

CLICK HERE to download and print your own sheets.

You can even email them to your friends and family and gather virtually. They can just put their self-addressed envelopes in another envelope and mail them to you for safe keeping until next year when you redistribute them back out. 

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