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Michelle Prohaska

Author, Coach, and Speaker

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National Kiss & Make Up Day

Today is National Kiss and Make Up Day.

Some sources also sight April 25th as Kiss and Make Up Day. I say the more often we do this, the better!

Forgiveness is a BIG topic because sometimes it can be so hard. We sometimes don’t want to forgive someone that has wronged us. Or we might even view it as impossible.

It is VERY important to point out that forgiveness does not mean that you are giving the “offender” a get out of jail free card. It doesn’t mean you have to forget what they did. It just means that you aren’t going to let it affect you and how you feel.

Always having to find who is at fault is a great downfall in our society. Always finding someone to blame is actually doing more harm to you than it is the blamed.

By forgiving, you are saying you are not going to let it affect how you move forward. Or I should say you aren’t going to let it negatively affect you. Because once you realize that you ACTUALLY (my editor would want me to delete this 😊) CAN be in control over how you feel (to varying degrees) (#feelthesmile method), you can choose how to move yourself in a positive, forward direction.

How we are feeling affects the chemistry in our bodies. If you are holding a grudge against someone, it is affecting you and your health more than them.

When we’re mean or disrespectful to someone, it’s like we’re not acknowledging the God-part of them. I realize many people don’t operate out of the part of them that is of God/Love, making it very hard to respect them. Some people don’t even know it exists. Recognize this and don’t allow their words and actions to affect how you feel. Remember, our feelings and emotions create the chemistry in our bodies. Bad chemistry can lead to a bad mood or even poor health. Don’t let someone who doesn’t operate from the part of them that’s of love affect your well-being.

Excerpt from Holy BLEEP! That Was NOT a Coincidence – Part III – Chapter 10 – How to…Fill Your Bag of Tricks – by Michelle Moine Prohaska

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