Loving My Nudged Life

Elementor #1904

Enjoy Your Life… Okay? Inspiration in 200 Words or Less So many of us are just going through the motions. Surviving life. But I really

2-22-22 Free-write GAVE. ME. CHILLS.

My free-write yesterday GAVE. ME. CHILLS. (see below) Yesterday was 2-22-22 day on Tuesday. I felt NUDGED to meditate and then free-write. I thought, okay,

New Year’s Eve Activity

The first one cued everyone to write down something they wanted to leave behind from the past year whether it was an event, a feeling, a limiting belief, etc. We had a fire going in the fireplace. Once they were done writing this down, they were to crumple up their paper and put it in the fireplace to symbolize letting go/getting rid of this.
On the second sheet everyone was to write down…

National Kiss & Make Up Day

Today is National Kiss and Make Up Day. Some sources also sight April 25th as Kiss and Make Up Day. I say the more often

UNITED (in Love) States of America

When our focus is on our differences, it divides us not unites us. It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you associate with or lean towards. The fact is there is an aisle dividing us. We need to focus on what unites us.

Let's practice living a fun, full, fabulous life