Enjoy Your Life... Okay?

Inspiration in 200 Words or Less

So many of us are just going through the motions.

Surviving life.

But I really don’t think that is the point.

Our purpose is…


To each other AND to the higher power that connects us all.

When we aren’t connected and acknowledging this supernatural connection…

we feel stressed.

We feel alone.

We don’t feel complete.

Something is missing.

This is going to look different for everyone.

For me…

It’s full of a whole lot of FUN!

To see this connection I have…

makes me GIDDY!

Life really is meant to be FUN!

My dad had a whole lot of “lines” he said…

Over and over…

And over.

One of them was.

“Live it up while you’re young!”

Seriously, people!

We have this one life right now to make the most of it that we can.

Tomorrow is NOT A GIVEN.

One of the MANY lessons I’ve learned from Dad dying unexpectedly.

We are here to experience life!

Let’s get the most out of it!

And the way to do that is to LOVE YOUR LIFE.

What area of your life can you focus on right now and enjoy a little more?

Here’s to a little more..